Not all companies are created equal. What steps can you take to ensure you chose the best company for your vehicle?

Paintless Dent Repair in Buffalo
When you decide paintless dent repair is the route you will go for your vehicle, or are interested in learning more about the process, the first step is to find a company to work with. There are a few criteria you should look for in order to make you choice.
Experience - The first criteria is experience. Your choice should have at least 2-3 years of experience working in body shops and with private customers. It is a long road to become proficent at dent repair, and time and experience is a huge factor.
Insurance- Be sure the company is fully insured, and not skirting regulations to save money. You do not want to risk you vehicle with someone who does take their business serious enough to properly insure it.
Examples/Referrals - Ask to see pictures or video of previous repairs, or search their website for them. You can also ask if they work with any reputable body shops in your areas, where you can cross reference their ability level.